Amaryllis Care

Caring For Your Amaryllis - Keep It Warm & Bright!

  • Amaryllis are native to warmer regions, so they like it WARM and they like bright light. Amaryllis are happiest in 70-80F temperatures. If your home is cool, set the pot on top of a warm appliance or by a sunny window.

  • Water ONLY when the top inch of soil is dry. Watering too often, especially until the stem is 3-4” tall, can cause the bulb to rot.

  • Once the stem emerges, give it sunshine or bright light. If it leans towards the light, turn the pot 1/4 turn daily.

  • When the bloom is finished, cut the bloom off 1-2” above the bulb.

  • Amaryllis can be houseplants! You can choose to keep growing it and have it rebloom or you can discard the bulb.

Reblooming/Saving Your Amaryllis For Next Year

  • Once your amaryllis has finished blooming, set it in your sunniest window. Continue to water when the top 1” is dry and begin fertilizing every month.

  • Around end of May/June, acclimate the plant over 7-10 days to the outdoors by hardening it off. Once hardened off, set the container outside in full to part sun for the rest of the summer (make sure you have it in a pot with good drainage). The goal is to encourage it to grow big, strong leaves, which creates a BIG, healthy bulb.

  • In September, bring the pot indoors and put it in a cool (50-60F), dark place. Cut off the brown leaves. The bulb will be dormant now. Keep the dormant bulb in the cool, dark place for 8-10 weeks, bring it out and regrow as you have done.

Enjoy one of the most beautiful blooms of the season!